To book an artist, an act, or any form of entertainment, it will require a technical needs list specifying the stage dimensions, audio system and desks, the lighting system fixtures and control, truss requirements, video, backline needs, dressing rooms, instruments and orchestral needs. In addition, there’s the hospitality requirements for the act, their entourage crew, management and publicity including transport, food and accommodation.

All of these needs will be costed, equipment and crew booked, schedules agreed and contracts completed in a timely manner.


We work to the specifications required by our client, to their budget, which dictates the level of service and production value we can offer.

A budget remains active from the moment it starts to the end of the event, and it dictates the level and quality of services based on the actual and/or projected cashflow.

We act on the premise that we deliver a “fair return” demonstrated through our quality of work and generosity of delivery. Our testimonials attest to the fact that we deliver the highest quality, safest and best event possible, all within the means available.


Following the Site Plan the next step involves Scheduling.

The Production schedule forms the basis of contractual understandings between the event producer and the event suppliers. It is an indication of the delivery, and return times and dates for all goods and services used on the site or stage.

The Artist Performance Schedule (sub schedule of above) is delegated to the Stage Manager, who controls the contracted performance start, then end times and prompts the artists to be ready to perform or, to stop, ensuring everyone goes home happy.


The Production budget is a comprehensive document which details all costs for services and goods contracted or purchased for delivery.

The producer agreed Production Specification documents are given to each of the suppliers: staging, audio, lighting, video, backline, catering, structures, oxygen tent, transport, security…